Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Most Despicable Experiments Against Man

The war is a disaster and tragedy. Arms race continues to be done win the war  and to rule the world. Humanitarian is put aside for a throne.

1. MK Ultra Project

U.S. government made ​​this nightmare project. The project was run by the CIA by paying Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron to create 68 sub-projects, which would be experiments involving mind-altering substances.

The main objective of this project was to investigate inspection methods to influence and control the minds and to be able to extract information from resisting minds. To test this, the doctor treated patients in the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal and did a 'therapy' on them. Most patients in suffered from depression or impaired thinking. In the therapy they are treated fearfully. The experimental process made them forget how to walk, forget the parents and made them suffer from serious amnesia. This project increased madness by doing experiments on children whowere treated and forced to have sex with high-ranking officials and filmed it.

2. Mustard Gas

Arms race never ends. They always create weapons of mass destruction to become the most powerful country. Bio chemical weapons were created in 1940 and began to be tested in the Army itself.

To test the effectiveness of various bio-weapons, investigators were had sprayed mustard gas to make the skin burning, lung-damaging by using other chemicals. The experiments conducted on soldiers without their consent or knowledge of the experiment that tested on them. The scientists were also researching the strength and effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing directly to the army. They put the army into the gas chamber, like those made by Nazi Germany. Many soldiers suffered and made ​​the object of research until they met their deaths. So sadistic.

3. Small Havoc in America

The U.S. government one made a little havoc in the country. they tested sadistic weapons of mass destruction on people. CIA, Army and the Government of bio-chemical did a simulation attack to the American people just in case of facing the real bio-chemical weapons attack. Without any prior knowledge of the experiment they were launched through the air in Tampa Bay with by spreading a cough virus. The entire Tampa Bay region suffered and 12 people died from the virus.

Next, San Fransico also became a test site with the spread of pathogenic bacteria. The virus made the citizens of San Francisco suffered from pneumonia. Even worse, the Army came to the site disguised as a public health officer. Their secret intentions at all times was to provide assistance to the victims to study and map the long-term effects of all the illnesses they suffered.

4. Guatemala Tragedy

1940 seemed to be the year in which the United States  rapidly developed bio chemical weapons. While claiming to cure syphilis, the government conducted tests on Guatemalan citizens. To test this, they used prostitutes who were already infected and let them roam to the prisons which were filled by mental patients and soldiers. Knowing  that it was not successful they had way more heinous  way to do it again. Researchers poured syphilis bacteria into the penis (sorry) and onto  their arms and faces.

5. Agent Orange

Many crimes against humanity committed by the Americans during the Vietnam war. More sadistically they used biochemical weapons that were injected into the Vietnamese prisoners.
The injections resulted in a terrible long-term effects. Those infected would marry and bear children with disorders or disabilities. Weapon called Agent Orange was also sprayed on crops and infected everything. Source: kapanlagi